Club Tables

The Duke City Hamfest Board of Directors will continue to support Amateur Radio Clubs by offering a free table at its annual events.

The following rules apply:


  1. The club must be engaged in amateur-radio-related activities.
  2. There will be a limited amount of tables in the main lobby area. To participate, a club must staff their table for a minimum of one four- hour shift. Club tables will be available on a first-come, first-serve basis.
  3. The club must have a banner or sign that advertises the club.
  4. The club should have information sheets to hand out to people interested in the organization.
  5. The club may sell club promotional items, small kits for fundraising purposes, or accept membership fees during the event. The sale of other items will need approval of DCHF.
  6. The DCHF will assign clubs to specific tables. The DCHF retains the right to refuse a table to a club or group. Look for the club/group name tag on tables in the main lobby.
  7. Limited AC power may be available. If your club would like to make use of a power source, please note so in your application and we will do our best to accommodate your request.

    By submitting this application, you agree to the above terms and hereby request that the DCHF board provide a table for your club at the 2024 Duke City Hamfest.


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    We will need electricity
    (limited availability, first come, first served)

    Trouble with this form? Email

    Updated 3/21/2024